Various Positions (film)

Various Positions is a film by Vancouver, BC, lawyer and filmmaker Ori Kowarsky, starring Carly Pope and Tygh Runyan. Various Positions won the 2002 Prix de Montréal at the Montreal World Film Festival. Although the film takes its title from an album by (and Ira Nadel's biography of) Leonard Cohen, the subject of the film is not Cohen, nor does he have any affiliation with the work.

Various Positions (film)

Various Positions is a film by Vancouver, BC, lawyer and filmmaker Ori Kowarsky, starring Carly Pope and Tygh Runyan. Various Positions won the 2002 Prix de Montréal at the Montreal World Film Festival. Although the film takes its title from an album by (and Ira Nadel's biography of) Leonard Cohen, the subject of the film is not Cohen, nor does he have any affiliation with the work.