Veal Orloff

Veal Prince Orloff, veal Prince Orlov, veal Orloff, or veal Orlov (Russian: телятина "Орлов", tr. telyátina Orlóv or телятина по-орловски, telyátina po-orlóvski; French: veau Orloff or veau Orlov) is a 19th-century dish of Russian cuisine, which was created by the French chef Urbain Dubois in the employ of Prince Orloff, former Russian ambassador to France. The dish consists of a braised loin of veal, thinly sliced, filled with a thin layer of pureed mushrooms and onions between each slice, and stacked back. It is then topped with Mornay sauce (bechamel sauce and cheese) and browned in the oven.

Veal Orloff

Veal Prince Orloff, veal Prince Orlov, veal Orloff, or veal Orlov (Russian: телятина "Орлов", tr. telyátina Orlóv or телятина по-орловски, telyátina po-orlóvski; French: veau Orloff or veau Orlov) is a 19th-century dish of Russian cuisine, which was created by the French chef Urbain Dubois in the employ of Prince Orloff, former Russian ambassador to France. The dish consists of a braised loin of veal, thinly sliced, filled with a thin layer of pureed mushrooms and onions between each slice, and stacked back. It is then topped with Mornay sauce (bechamel sauce and cheese) and browned in the oven.