Vieytes, el Desterrado

Vieytes, el Desterrado (in Spanish "Vieytes, the Banished") is an Argentine historical novel written by Francisco N. Juárez in 2001, narrating the life of Hipólito Vieytes. The book is written from a first-person narrative, in the manner of an autobiography, but it is the work of Juárez, not Vieytes himself.

Vieytes, el Desterrado

Vieytes, el Desterrado (in Spanish "Vieytes, the Banished") is an Argentine historical novel written by Francisco N. Juárez in 2001, narrating the life of Hipólito Vieytes. The book is written from a first-person narrative, in the manner of an autobiography, but it is the work of Juárez, not Vieytes himself.