Virial theorem

In mechanics, the virial theorem provides a general equation that relates the average over time of the total kinetic energy, , of a stable system consisting of N particles, bound by potential forces, with that of the total potential energy, , where angle brackets represent the average over time of the enclosed quantity. Mathematically, the theorem states If the force between any two particles of the system results from a potential energy V(r) = αr n that is proportional to some power n of the inter-particle distance r, the virial theorem takes the simple form

Virial theorem

In mechanics, the virial theorem provides a general equation that relates the average over time of the total kinetic energy, , of a stable system consisting of N particles, bound by potential forces, with that of the total potential energy, , where angle brackets represent the average over time of the enclosed quantity. Mathematically, the theorem states If the force between any two particles of the system results from a potential energy V(r) = αr n that is proportional to some power n of the inter-particle distance r, the virial theorem takes the simple form