Vladimir Tsyganko

Vladimir Vladimirovich Tsyganko (Russian: Владимир Владимирович Цыганко; Romanian: Vladimir Vladimirovici Țîganco; also Țâganco, Tziganco, Tziganko or Țiganco; 1887 – 1937) was a Bessarabian, and later Soviet, politician. The son of a distinguished architect, and himself an engineer by vocation, Tsyganko entered politics shortly before the proclamation of a Moldavian Democratic Republic, when he earned a seat in the republican legislature (Sfatul Țării). He sided with the parliamentary Peasants' Faction, which supported left-wing ideals and pushed for land reform, being generally, and radically, opposed to the more right-wing Moldavian Bloc. Tsyganko was skeptical of the Bloc's plan to unite Bessarabia with Romania, although he possibly supported a federation. His uncompromising stance div

Vladimir Tsyganko

Vladimir Vladimirovich Tsyganko (Russian: Владимир Владимирович Цыганко; Romanian: Vladimir Vladimirovici Țîganco; also Țâganco, Tziganco, Tziganko or Țiganco; 1887 – 1937) was a Bessarabian, and later Soviet, politician. The son of a distinguished architect, and himself an engineer by vocation, Tsyganko entered politics shortly before the proclamation of a Moldavian Democratic Republic, when he earned a seat in the republican legislature (Sfatul Țării). He sided with the parliamentary Peasants' Faction, which supported left-wing ideals and pushed for land reform, being generally, and radically, opposed to the more right-wing Moldavian Bloc. Tsyganko was skeptical of the Bloc's plan to unite Bessarabia with Romania, although he possibly supported a federation. His uncompromising stance div