Wächterpreis der Tagespresse

The Wächterpreis der Tagespresse, or Guard Prize of the Daily Press, is a German journalism prize awarded for excellence in investigative reporting. The prize was first given in 1969. Winners are selected by a four-person jury, and the prize is awarded by Germany's Freedom of the Press foundation (Freiheit der Presse). With the exception of 1970, the prize has been given every year with a first, second, and third place. Recipients inlude Anton-Andreas Guha, Hans Leyendecker, and Angela Böhm.

Wächterpreis der Tagespresse

The Wächterpreis der Tagespresse, or Guard Prize of the Daily Press, is a German journalism prize awarded for excellence in investigative reporting. The prize was first given in 1969. Winners are selected by a four-person jury, and the prize is awarded by Germany's Freedom of the Press foundation (Freiheit der Presse). With the exception of 1970, the prize has been given every year with a first, second, and third place. Recipients inlude Anton-Andreas Guha, Hans Leyendecker, and Angela Böhm.