101.8 WCR FM - Wolverhampton Community Radio is a radio station that broadcasts to the city of Wolverhampton on the VHF frequency of 101.8 under an Ofcom - Community Radio licence, from the centre of Wolverhampton. The station aims to be a vibrant and informative station that provides the City with an alternative service. The transmission is supplied to listeners via the Internet, and on 101.8 FM to the residents of Wolverhampton.


101.8 WCR FM - Wolverhampton Community Radio is a radio station that broadcasts to the city of Wolverhampton on the VHF frequency of 101.8 under an Ofcom - Community Radio licence, from the centre of Wolverhampton. The station aims to be a vibrant and informative station that provides the City with an alternative service. The transmission is supplied to listeners via the Internet, and on 101.8 FM to the residents of Wolverhampton.