War Assets Administration

The War Assets Administration was established in the Office for Emergency Management, effective March 25, 1946, by EO 9689, January 31, 1946. American factorieshad produced massive amounts of weaponry during the World War II. Hundredsof thousands of tons of surplus military equipment, from mess kits to tanks,airplanes, machine guns, artillery, and even warships, were now being offeredfor sale as scrap by the War Assets Administration (WAA).

War Assets Administration

The War Assets Administration was established in the Office for Emergency Management, effective March 25, 1946, by EO 9689, January 31, 1946. American factorieshad produced massive amounts of weaponry during the World War II. Hundredsof thousands of tons of surplus military equipment, from mess kits to tanks,airplanes, machine guns, artillery, and even warships, were now being offeredfor sale as scrap by the War Assets Administration (WAA).