We're Talking Serious Money

We're Talkin' Serious Money (1991), also known as Serious Money, is an Action/Comedy directed by James Lemmo. He also co-wrote the screenplay with Leo Rossi, who also stars in the movie. Cinematography by Jacques Haitkin. It also stars: Dennis Farina, Fran Drescher, John LaMotta, Peter Iacangelo. It was produced by: Lisa M. Hansen, Harold Welb, Paul Hertzberg, who makes a small cameo in the film, Catalaine Knell, Guy J. Louthan, co-star Leo Rossi, and Harold Welb. The movie was filmed in Los Angeles, California, and New York City, New York. It was released by Grey Matter Entertainment and CineTel Films in the United States.

We're Talking Serious Money

We're Talkin' Serious Money (1991), also known as Serious Money, is an Action/Comedy directed by James Lemmo. He also co-wrote the screenplay with Leo Rossi, who also stars in the movie. Cinematography by Jacques Haitkin. It also stars: Dennis Farina, Fran Drescher, John LaMotta, Peter Iacangelo. It was produced by: Lisa M. Hansen, Harold Welb, Paul Hertzberg, who makes a small cameo in the film, Catalaine Knell, Guy J. Louthan, co-star Leo Rossi, and Harold Welb. The movie was filmed in Los Angeles, California, and New York City, New York. It was released by Grey Matter Entertainment and CineTel Films in the United States.