Weaverton, Henderson

Weaverton is an unincorporated community and coal town located in Henderson, Kentucky, United States. This neighborhood is often referred to as the East End of the South Side of town today. Its boundaries are Loeb St to the east, Atkison St to the south, Madison St to the west, Mill St to the north, Pringle St to the west, Meadow St to the north connecting to the corner of Loeb St. Weaverton High School, now Weaverton Apartments, being the remaining site of this old unincorporated place is the territorial feature of this neighborhood area.

Weaverton, Henderson

Weaverton is an unincorporated community and coal town located in Henderson, Kentucky, United States. This neighborhood is often referred to as the East End of the South Side of town today. Its boundaries are Loeb St to the east, Atkison St to the south, Madison St to the west, Mill St to the north, Pringle St to the west, Meadow St to the north connecting to the corner of Loeb St. Weaverton High School, now Weaverton Apartments, being the remaining site of this old unincorporated place is the territorial feature of this neighborhood area.