West's Pictures

West's Pictures was a short-lived Australian film production and exhibition company during the silent era. It was established by English theatrical entrepreneur Thomas James West (1885-1916) who helped turn the company into one of Australia's largest exhibitors. The company also produced a regular newsreel and several narrative films, some made by Franklyn Barrett. Many of their early films were contemporary stories made on a joint writer-technician-director basis. It merged with Australasian Films in 1912, becoming part of the combine that later became the Greater Union organisation.

West's Pictures

West's Pictures was a short-lived Australian film production and exhibition company during the silent era. It was established by English theatrical entrepreneur Thomas James West (1885-1916) who helped turn the company into one of Australia's largest exhibitors. The company also produced a regular newsreel and several narrative films, some made by Franklyn Barrett. Many of their early films were contemporary stories made on a joint writer-technician-director basis. It merged with Australasian Films in 1912, becoming part of the combine that later became the Greater Union organisation.