West German Embassy siege

The West German Embassy siege in Stockholm, Sweden, was carried out by the Red Army Faction (RAF) on 24 April 1975. Collectively, the attackers referred to themselves as Kommando Holger Meins, named after their comrade Holger Meins, who had died after starving during a (collective) hunger strike in the Wittlich Prison on 9 November 1974. The RAF group carried out the attack because they wanted to free RAF members from prison in West Germany. During the siege they stated;

West German Embassy siege

The West German Embassy siege in Stockholm, Sweden, was carried out by the Red Army Faction (RAF) on 24 April 1975. Collectively, the attackers referred to themselves as Kommando Holger Meins, named after their comrade Holger Meins, who had died after starving during a (collective) hunger strike in the Wittlich Prison on 9 November 1974. The RAF group carried out the attack because they wanted to free RAF members from prison in West Germany. During the siege they stated;