Wheel play

The wheel play is a baseball strategy designed to defend against a sacrifice bunt (or tap hit) in a close game in situations in which the offense has a runner on second (or sometimes runners on first and second) and there are no outs (or occasionally with one out). This circumstance can make it imperative for the defense to get the lead runner out because the offense can score without a hit if there is a man at third base with fewer than two outs. The play's name derives from the wheel-like rotation of the infielders. The offense may try to defeat the wheel play in one of several ways.

Wheel play

The wheel play is a baseball strategy designed to defend against a sacrifice bunt (or tap hit) in a close game in situations in which the offense has a runner on second (or sometimes runners on first and second) and there are no outs (or occasionally with one out). This circumstance can make it imperative for the defense to get the lead runner out because the offense can score without a hit if there is a man at third base with fewer than two outs. The play's name derives from the wheel-like rotation of the infielders. The offense may try to defeat the wheel play in one of several ways.