
Willy/Milly (also known as I Was a Teenage Boy) is a 1986 comedic fantasy film directed by Paul Schneider, based upon a story by the same name by Alan Friedman. The film follows the title character of Milly Niceman, a young tomboy who is unhappy with the traditional expectations for her gender and longs to become a boy so she can act however she wants. Initially released as I Was a Teenage Boy in 1986, the film was later re-titled to Something Special for a 1987 limited theatrical release and to Milly/Willy for a VHS release.


Willy/Milly (also known as I Was a Teenage Boy) is a 1986 comedic fantasy film directed by Paul Schneider, based upon a story by the same name by Alan Friedman. The film follows the title character of Milly Niceman, a young tomboy who is unhappy with the traditional expectations for her gender and longs to become a boy so she can act however she wants. Initially released as I Was a Teenage Boy in 1986, the film was later re-titled to Something Special for a 1987 limited theatrical release and to Milly/Willy for a VHS release.