World for Ransom

World for Ransom is a 1954 film noir drama film directed by Robert Aldrich, who was uncredited for his work. Many of the actors and sets used in the film were from the Dan Duryea television show China Smith. Duryea, Patric Knowles, Gene Lockhart, Reginald Denny, and Nigel Bruce starred in the film. Aldrich and cinematographer Joseph Biroc also worked on the series.

World for Ransom

World for Ransom is a 1954 film noir drama film directed by Robert Aldrich, who was uncredited for his work. Many of the actors and sets used in the film were from the Dan Duryea television show China Smith. Duryea, Patric Knowles, Gene Lockhart, Reginald Denny, and Nigel Bruce starred in the film. Aldrich and cinematographer Joseph Biroc also worked on the series.