
Xenocyon lycanoides is an extinct canid from the Pleistocene of Eurasia. It lived from 1.8 Ma to 126,000 years ago, existing for approximately 1.674 million years. Its name means "strange dog with wolf form", from Xeno- meaning foreign or strange and cyon for dog. The generic assignment of X. lycaonoides is controversial. As an alternative to its placement in Xenocyon, some recent authorities have placed the species in Lycaon (with the African wild dog, Lycaon pictus) or in Canis (with wolves and jackals).


Xenocyon lycanoides is an extinct canid from the Pleistocene of Eurasia. It lived from 1.8 Ma to 126,000 years ago, existing for approximately 1.674 million years. Its name means "strange dog with wolf form", from Xeno- meaning foreign or strange and cyon for dog. The generic assignment of X. lycaonoides is controversial. As an alternative to its placement in Xenocyon, some recent authorities have placed the species in Lycaon (with the African wild dog, Lycaon pictus) or in Canis (with wolves and jackals).