Yele – West New Britain languages

The Yele – West New Britain languages are a tentative language family that unites three language isolates, Anêm and Ata (Wasi) of New Britain, and Yélî Dnye (Yele) of Rossel Island. These were classified as East Papuan languages by Stephen Wurm, but this does not now seem tenable, and was abandoned in Ethnologue (2009), though the tentative relationship between them was accepted. The Yele – West New Britain family was first proposed by Malcolm Ross.

Yele – West New Britain languages

The Yele – West New Britain languages are a tentative language family that unites three language isolates, Anêm and Ata (Wasi) of New Britain, and Yélî Dnye (Yele) of Rossel Island. These were classified as East Papuan languages by Stephen Wurm, but this does not now seem tenable, and was abandoned in Ethnologue (2009), though the tentative relationship between them was accepted. The Yele – West New Britain family was first proposed by Malcolm Ross.