Young Billy Young

Young Billy Young is a 1969 western movie starring Robert Mitchum and featuring Angie Dickinson, Robert Walker, Jr. (in the title role), David Carradine, Jack Kelly (who plays a villain and dresses exactly as he had for his role on television's Maverick), Deana Martin and Paul Fix. The film was written by Heck Allen (from his novel) and Burt Kennedy, and directed by Kennedy.

Young Billy Young

Young Billy Young is a 1969 western movie starring Robert Mitchum and featuring Angie Dickinson, Robert Walker, Jr. (in the title role), David Carradine, Jack Kelly (who plays a villain and dresses exactly as he had for his role on television's Maverick), Deana Martin and Paul Fix. The film was written by Heck Allen (from his novel) and Burt Kennedy, and directed by Kennedy.