Yule River

The Yule River is an ephemeral river in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. It was named on 10 August 1861 by the surveyor and explorer Frank Gregory while on expedition in the area, after Thomas Newte Yule, at times farmer of Toodyay, winemaker, Acting Colonial Secretary and Magistrate. The river has ten tributaries, including Cockerega River, West Yule River, Pilbara Creek, Friendly Creek and Coorong Creek. The river flows through a number of permanent pools, including Kangan Pool and Moolkamudda Pool. The traditional owners of the area are the Indjibandi, Njamal or Nyamal peoples.

Yule River

The Yule River is an ephemeral river in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. It was named on 10 August 1861 by the surveyor and explorer Frank Gregory while on expedition in the area, after Thomas Newte Yule, at times farmer of Toodyay, winemaker, Acting Colonial Secretary and Magistrate. The river has ten tributaries, including Cockerega River, West Yule River, Pilbara Creek, Friendly Creek and Coorong Creek. The river flows through a number of permanent pools, including Kangan Pool and Moolkamudda Pool. The traditional owners of the area are the Indjibandi, Njamal or Nyamal peoples.