Ériu (journal)

Ériu is an academic journal of Irish language studies. It was established in 1904 as the journal of the School of Irish Learning in Dublin. When the school was incorporated into the Royal Irish Academy in 1926, the academy continued publication of the journal, in the same format and with the same title. Originally, the journal was published in two parts annually, together making a volume, but parts slipped further apart after Volume III. Articles are written in either Irish or English.

Ériu (journal)

Ériu is an academic journal of Irish language studies. It was established in 1904 as the journal of the School of Irish Learning in Dublin. When the school was incorporated into the Royal Irish Academy in 1926, the academy continued publication of the journal, in the same format and with the same title. Originally, the journal was published in two parts annually, together making a volume, but parts slipped further apart after Volume III. Articles are written in either Irish or English.