
Ödipussi is a 1988 German comedy film, written and directed by and also starring Loriot. It was the first of two feature films he directed, the other one being Pappa Ante Portas. The title is a pun on the Oedipus complex described by Sigmund Freud and the nickname "Pussi", the way the main protagonist is called by his mother throughout the film. Rumors that the title might also be a reference to the James Bond film Octopussy have been denied by Loriot.


Ödipussi is a 1988 German comedy film, written and directed by and also starring Loriot. It was the first of two feature films he directed, the other one being Pappa Ante Portas. The title is a pun on the Oedipus complex described by Sigmund Freud and the nickname "Pussi", the way the main protagonist is called by his mother throughout the film. Rumors that the title might also be a reference to the James Bond film Octopussy have been denied by Loriot.