
Čantavir (Serbian: Čantavir or Чантавир, Hungarian: Csantavér, Croatian: Čantavir) is the largest village with Hungarian ethnic majority in the autonomous province of Vojvodina, Serbia. It is situated in the municipality of Subotica, North Bačka District. The village has a population of 6,951 inhabitants (as of 2011 census). The main occupation of the villagers is agriculture and stock breeding.


Čantavir (Serbian: Čantavir or Чантавир, Hungarian: Csantavér, Croatian: Čantavir) is the largest village with Hungarian ethnic majority in the autonomous province of Vojvodina, Serbia. It is situated in the municipality of Subotica, North Bačka District. The village has a population of 6,951 inhabitants (as of 2011 census). The main occupation of the villagers is agriculture and stock breeding.