Śnieżne Kotły

Śnieżne Kotły (1,175 m (3,855 ft), Czech: Sněžné jámy, German: Schneegruben, literally Snowy Pits, Snowy Cirque, Snowy Cwm) are two glacial cirques situated in Poland in the Sudetes in the Karkonosze National Park. They are a unique example of the alpine landscape in the area and have been a nature reserve since 1933.

Śnieżne Kotły

Śnieżne Kotły (1,175 m (3,855 ft), Czech: Sněžné jámy, German: Schneegruben, literally Snowy Pits, Snowy Cirque, Snowy Cwm) are two glacial cirques situated in Poland in the Sudetes in the Karkonosze National Park. They are a unique example of the alpine landscape in the area and have been a nature reserve since 1933.