Šime Starčević

Šime Starčević (18 April 1784 – 14 May 1859) was a Croatian priest and linguist. He was born in Žitnik, near Gospić. He worked as a pastor in Gospić, , Udbina, and since 1814 in Karlobag. He knew Latin, French, Italian and German, and could read Slavic languages. In 1812 he published in Trieste his Nòva ricsôslovica iliricska vojnicskoj mladosti krajicsnoj poklonjena and Nòva ricsôslovica iliricsko-francèzka ("A new Illyrian-French grammar"). His French grammar was revised and translated from German, using domestic terminology for linguistic terms. His grammar of "Illyrian" was the first Croatian grammar describing the four-accentual system of the Neoštokavian dialect.

Šime Starčević

Šime Starčević (18 April 1784 – 14 May 1859) was a Croatian priest and linguist. He was born in Žitnik, near Gospić. He worked as a pastor in Gospić, , Udbina, and since 1814 in Karlobag. He knew Latin, French, Italian and German, and could read Slavic languages. In 1812 he published in Trieste his Nòva ricsôslovica iliricska vojnicskoj mladosti krajicsnoj poklonjena and Nòva ricsôslovica iliricsko-francèzka ("A new Illyrian-French grammar"). His French grammar was revised and translated from German, using domestic terminology for linguistic terms. His grammar of "Illyrian" was the first Croatian grammar describing the four-accentual system of the Neoštokavian dialect.