Štramberk ears

Štramberk ears (Czech: Štramberské uši) is a Moravian confectionery product made of cone-shaped gingerbread dough traditionally baked in the Štramberk and the surrounding area of Moravia. This product could be officially made and sold only at the town area since 2000. In 2006 there were six certified producers. In 2007 this sweet became protected designation of origin in EU as first in the Czech Republic.

Štramberk ears

Štramberk ears (Czech: Štramberské uši) is a Moravian confectionery product made of cone-shaped gingerbread dough traditionally baked in the Štramberk and the surrounding area of Moravia. This product could be officially made and sold only at the town area since 2000. In 2006 there were six certified producers. In 2007 this sweet became protected designation of origin in EU as first in the Czech Republic.