
.ao is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Angola. It is administered by the college of engineering of the University of Agostinho Neto. The registry Web site, as of January 2019, has not been modified since December 2001, and consists of a single page in Portuguese. One of the few links on the page is to a document in Microsoft Word format, in English, which gives registration rules for the domain which may not be up-to-date; they state that registration by entities outside Angola is to be done only in the .it.ao subdomain. The search engine Google seems to be the first .it.ao entity using the subdomain ".it.ao". It also says that registrations are only taken at the third level (when a Google search shows some sites exist at second-level .ao names).


.ao is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Angola. It is administered by the college of engineering of the University of Agostinho Neto. The registry Web site, as of January 2019, has not been modified since December 2001, and consists of a single page in Portuguese. One of the few links on the page is to a document in Microsoft Word format, in English, which gives registration rules for the domain which may not be up-to-date; they state that registration by entities outside Angola is to be done only in the .it.ao subdomain. The search engine Google seems to be the first .it.ao entity using the subdomain ".it.ao". It also says that registrations are only taken at the third level (when a Google search shows some sites exist at second-level .ao names).