
.kr is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the Republic of Korea (South Korea). Registrations are processed via registration agents. From September 2006, it became possible to register domain names directly under .kr (although this is currently only possible for internationalized domain names). Trademark holders and public bodies benefited from an "early registration period", after which the owners of .kr third-level domains had priority to get the corresponding second-level domains. 1. Sunrise I (September 18–November 20, 2006) * Governmental Bodies only


.kr is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the Republic of Korea (South Korea). Registrations are processed via registration agents. From September 2006, it became possible to register domain names directly under .kr (although this is currently only possible for internationalized domain names). Trademark holders and public bodies benefited from an "early registration period", after which the owners of .kr third-level domains had priority to get the corresponding second-level domains. 1. Sunrise I (September 18–November 20, 2006) * Governmental Bodies only