
.pt is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Portugal and is managed by Associação DNS.PT.It has the following second-level domains: * .com.pt: no restrictions; online registration * .edu.pt: education * .gov.pt: Government of Portugal * .int.pt: international organizations or diplomatic missions in Portugal * .net.pt: telecommunications providers * .nome.pt: individuals (nome is Portuguese for name) * .org.pt: Non-profit organizations * .publ.pt: publications (e.g. newspapers)


.pt is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Portugal and is managed by Associação DNS.PT.It has the following second-level domains: * .com.pt: no restrictions; online registration * .edu.pt: education * .gov.pt: Government of Portugal * .int.pt: international organizations or diplomatic missions in Portugal * .net.pt: telecommunications providers * .nome.pt: individuals (nome is Portuguese for name) * .org.pt: Non-profit organizations * .publ.pt: publications (e.g. newspapers)