11th Parachute Brigade (France)

The 11th Parachute Brigade (French: 11e Brigade Parachutiste, 11e BP) is a unit of the French Army, dominantly infantry, part of the French Airborne Units and specialized in air combat and air assault. The brigade's primary vocation is to project in emergency in order to contribute a first response to a situational crisis. An elite unit of the French Army, the brigade is commanded by a général de brigade (Brigadier General) with headquarters in Balma near Toulouse. The brigade's soldiers and airborne Marines wear the red beret (amaranth) except for the Legionnaires of the 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment who wear green beret of the French Foreign Legion.

11th Parachute Brigade (France)

The 11th Parachute Brigade (French: 11e Brigade Parachutiste, 11e BP) is a unit of the French Army, dominantly infantry, part of the French Airborne Units and specialized in air combat and air assault. The brigade's primary vocation is to project in emergency in order to contribute a first response to a situational crisis. An elite unit of the French Army, the brigade is commanded by a général de brigade (Brigadier General) with headquarters in Balma near Toulouse. The brigade's soldiers and airborne Marines wear the red beret (amaranth) except for the Legionnaires of the 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment who wear green beret of the French Foreign Legion.