13th Arizona State Legislature

The 13th Arizona State Legislature, consisting of the Arizona State Senate and the Arizona House of Representatives, was constituted in Phoenix from January 1, 1937 to December 31, 1938, during Rawghlie Clement Stanford's first and only term as Governor of Arizona. The number of senators and representatives remained constant, with 19 and 51 members respectively. While the Democrats regained one hundred percent of the senate seats, the Republicans broke the Democrats complete domination in the house, managing to obtain a single seat, one of the two from Navajo County.

13th Arizona State Legislature

The 13th Arizona State Legislature, consisting of the Arizona State Senate and the Arizona House of Representatives, was constituted in Phoenix from January 1, 1937 to December 31, 1938, during Rawghlie Clement Stanford's first and only term as Governor of Arizona. The number of senators and representatives remained constant, with 19 and 51 members respectively. While the Democrats regained one hundred percent of the senate seats, the Republicans broke the Democrats complete domination in the house, managing to obtain a single seat, one of the two from Navajo County.