18 Delphini b

18 Delphini b (abbreviated 18 Del b), formally named Arion /əˈraɪən/, is an extrasolar planet approximately 249 light-years away in the constellation of Delphinus. The 993-day period planet orbits the yellow giant star 18 Delphini. A very massive and dense planet with a minimum mass of 10.3 MJ it was discovered on February 19, 2008 by Sato.

18 Delphini b

18 Delphini b (abbreviated 18 Del b), formally named Arion /əˈraɪən/, is an extrasolar planet approximately 249 light-years away in the constellation of Delphinus. The 993-day period planet orbits the yellow giant star 18 Delphini. A very massive and dense planet with a minimum mass of 10.3 MJ it was discovered on February 19, 2008 by Sato.