1958 Sylvania Television Awards

The 1958 Sylvania Television Awards were presented on January 22, 1959, at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. The Sylvania Awards were established by Sylvania Electric Products. The 31-member panel that decided the winners was chaired by Deems Taylor and also included Marvin Barrett, television editor of Newsweek; Kenneth Bartlett of Syracuse University; pitcher Bob Feller; Judge Samuel S. Leibowitz; actor and playwright Elliott Nugent; actress and author Cornelius Oits Skinner; and lawyer and writer Telford Taylor.

1958 Sylvania Television Awards

The 1958 Sylvania Television Awards were presented on January 22, 1959, at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. The Sylvania Awards were established by Sylvania Electric Products. The 31-member panel that decided the winners was chaired by Deems Taylor and also included Marvin Barrett, television editor of Newsweek; Kenneth Bartlett of Syracuse University; pitcher Bob Feller; Judge Samuel S. Leibowitz; actor and playwright Elliott Nugent; actress and author Cornelius Oits Skinner; and lawyer and writer Telford Taylor.