1st Midlothian Artillery Volunteers

The 1st Midlothian Artillery Volunteer Corps was formed in 1859 as a response to a French invasion threat. Originally it served as garrison and heavy artillery but transferred to the Territorial Force (TF) in 1908 as field artillery, in which role it served through both World Wars. In World War I it fought on the Western Front with 51st (Highland) Division. In World War II it briefly saw service in France after Dunkirk and was with Eighth Army in North Africa and Italy. Its wartime duplicate regiment served with distinction in the Burma Campaign. Postwar the regiment continued in existence until amalgamation in 1967.

1st Midlothian Artillery Volunteers

The 1st Midlothian Artillery Volunteer Corps was formed in 1859 as a response to a French invasion threat. Originally it served as garrison and heavy artillery but transferred to the Territorial Force (TF) in 1908 as field artillery, in which role it served through both World Wars. In World War I it fought on the Western Front with 51st (Highland) Division. In World War II it briefly saw service in France after Dunkirk and was with Eighth Army in North Africa and Italy. Its wartime duplicate regiment served with distinction in the Burma Campaign. Postwar the regiment continued in existence until amalgamation in 1967.