2006 Colorado Referendum J

Current law in Colorado requires school districts to set aside money from within the total budget for specific purposes, such as buildings and insurance, books and other school supplies, and services for "at-risk" students. These specific budgetary earmarks account on average for approximately $600 per student according to 2004–2005 school year figures — roughly eight percent of district operating budgets. Referendum J proposes a new requirement, that each school district spend a minimum of 65% of its operating budget on a set of budget items specified in the referendum.

2006 Colorado Referendum J

Current law in Colorado requires school districts to set aside money from within the total budget for specific purposes, such as buildings and insurance, books and other school supplies, and services for "at-risk" students. These specific budgetary earmarks account on average for approximately $600 per student according to 2004–2005 school year figures — roughly eight percent of district operating budgets. Referendum J proposes a new requirement, that each school district spend a minimum of 65% of its operating budget on a set of budget items specified in the referendum.