2006 Fox journalists kidnapping

Fox News Channel journalists Olaf Wiig (born 1970), a New Zealand photojournalist, and Steve Centanni, an American reporter, were kidnapped in the Gaza Strip by the Holy Jihad Brigades, a previously unknown group of Palestinian militants, from their TV van near the Palestinian security services' headquarters on August 14, 2006. The two were released on August 27, 2006, after a video was released with the two men stating they have converted to Islam. The two men later said they were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint.

2006 Fox journalists kidnapping

Fox News Channel journalists Olaf Wiig (born 1970), a New Zealand photojournalist, and Steve Centanni, an American reporter, were kidnapped in the Gaza Strip by the Holy Jihad Brigades, a previously unknown group of Palestinian militants, from their TV van near the Palestinian security services' headquarters on August 14, 2006. The two were released on August 27, 2006, after a video was released with the two men stating they have converted to Islam. The two men later said they were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint.