2006 United States Soccer Federation presidential election

The 2006 United States Soccer Federation presidential election was held in Las Vegas on March 11, 2006 to determine the next President of the United States Soccer Federation. Sunil Gulati ran unopposed. Gulati succeeds Dr. S. Robert Contiguglia, stepping down after two successful four-year terms. Gulati, who ran unopposed in the election, has served as U.S. Soccer's vice president since 2000.

2006 United States Soccer Federation presidential election

The 2006 United States Soccer Federation presidential election was held in Las Vegas on March 11, 2006 to determine the next President of the United States Soccer Federation. Sunil Gulati ran unopposed. Gulati succeeds Dr. S. Robert Contiguglia, stepping down after two successful four-year terms. Gulati, who ran unopposed in the election, has served as U.S. Soccer's vice president since 2000.