2009 Kenya sex strike

A sex strike, a form of nonviolent protest, was held by Kenyan female activists in 2009 to end the deteriorating relationship between the country’s President, Mwai Kibaki, and Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, who agreed to share leadership powers in Kenya. There was a seven-day sex strike, which involved thousands of women and the wives of both the Prime Minister and President, who vowed to withhold sex from their partner. This sex strike was aimed at forcing the leaders to reconcile as they had different views on how Kenya should be run as well as issued conflicting policies that did not focus on urgent issues that mattered in Kenya such as dealing with corruption and poverty.

2009 Kenya sex strike

A sex strike, a form of nonviolent protest, was held by Kenyan female activists in 2009 to end the deteriorating relationship between the country’s President, Mwai Kibaki, and Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, who agreed to share leadership powers in Kenya. There was a seven-day sex strike, which involved thousands of women and the wives of both the Prime Minister and President, who vowed to withhold sex from their partner. This sex strike was aimed at forcing the leaders to reconcile as they had different views on how Kenya should be run as well as issued conflicting policies that did not focus on urgent issues that mattered in Kenya such as dealing with corruption and poverty.