2010 Slovenia floods

The 2010 Slovenia floods, on the weekend of 17–19 September 2010, were caused by heavy rains in Slovenia, resulting in one of the worst floods in the country's history. Among the regions affected were the capital Ljubljana, the Central Sava Valley, Laško, the Slovene Littoral and Lower Carniola. Initial damage was estimated to reach €15 million. Three people died. In Zagorje ob Savi, a great part of the town was flooded by the Sava river and several landslides were reported. The town of Laško was flooded by the Savinja river and road connections were cut by the flood waters.

2010 Slovenia floods

The 2010 Slovenia floods, on the weekend of 17–19 September 2010, were caused by heavy rains in Slovenia, resulting in one of the worst floods in the country's history. Among the regions affected were the capital Ljubljana, the Central Sava Valley, Laško, the Slovene Littoral and Lower Carniola. Initial damage was estimated to reach €15 million. Three people died. In Zagorje ob Savi, a great part of the town was flooded by the Sava river and several landslides were reported. The town of Laško was flooded by the Savinja river and road connections were cut by the flood waters.