
General elections were held in Zanzibar on 31 October 2010 alongside the 2010 Tanzanian general elections. Amani Abeid Karume the president of Zanzibar stepped down after completing 2 terms in office. The presidential elections were won by Ali Mohamed Shein of Chama Cha Mapinduzi. Zanzibar elections have always been highly contests and have always been subject to post election violence.


General elections were held in Zanzibar on 31 October 2010 alongside the 2010 Tanzanian general elections. Amani Abeid Karume the president of Zanzibar stepped down after completing 2 terms in office. The presidential elections were won by Ali Mohamed Shein of Chama Cha Mapinduzi. Zanzibar elections have always been highly contests and have always been subject to post election violence.