2011 Ras Ajdir clashes

The 2011 Ras Ajdir clashes were a series of skirmishes between rebel anti-Gaddafi forces and loyalist pro-Gaddafi forces for an important Libya–Tunisia border post in Libya's extreme northwest. The post had been a key loyalist supply line to the capital, Tripoli, but ceased to be so after the rebels recaptured the town of Zawiya and the highway running through it. Before the rebels captured the border post, there had been some concerns that Gaddafi might use it to flee Libya.

2011 Ras Ajdir clashes

The 2011 Ras Ajdir clashes were a series of skirmishes between rebel anti-Gaddafi forces and loyalist pro-Gaddafi forces for an important Libya–Tunisia border post in Libya's extreme northwest. The post had been a key loyalist supply line to the capital, Tripoli, but ceased to be so after the rebels recaptured the town of Zawiya and the highway running through it. Before the rebels captured the border post, there had been some concerns that Gaddafi might use it to flee Libya.