2017 1. deild kvinnur

The 2017 1. deild kvinnur was the 33rd season of women's league football in the Faroe Islands. The league was won by EB/Streymur/Skála, winning its first title and ending KÍ's streak of 17 consecutive titles. By winning, EBS/Skála qualified to 2018–19 UEFA Women's Champions League, becoming only the second club from the Faroe Islands to play the competition.

2017 1. deild kvinnur

The 2017 1. deild kvinnur was the 33rd season of women's league football in the Faroe Islands. The league was won by EB/Streymur/Skála, winning its first title and ending KÍ's streak of 17 consecutive titles. By winning, EBS/Skála qualified to 2018–19 UEFA Women's Champions League, becoming only the second club from the Faroe Islands to play the competition.