2019 New York state high school boys basketball championships

The 2019 Federation Tournament of Champions took place at the Cool Insuring Arena in Glens Falls on March 22, 23 and 24. Federation championships were awarded in the AA, A and B classifications. Long Island Lutheran in Brookville won the Class AA championship. Andre Curbelo of Long Island Lutheran was named the Class AA tournament's most valuable player. Joseph Girard III of Glens Falls was named the Class B tournament's most valuable player and finished his high school basketball career with a state-record 4,763 points.

2019 New York state high school boys basketball championships

The 2019 Federation Tournament of Champions took place at the Cool Insuring Arena in Glens Falls on March 22, 23 and 24. Federation championships were awarded in the AA, A and B classifications. Long Island Lutheran in Brookville won the Class AA championship. Andre Curbelo of Long Island Lutheran was named the Class AA tournament's most valuable player. Joseph Girard III of Glens Falls was named the Class B tournament's most valuable player and finished his high school basketball career with a state-record 4,763 points.