2020 Afghanistan flood

A series of flash floods occurred in Afghanistan in June 2020. They were caused by torrential rain in Charikar, Parwan Province. The flood killed at least 190 people and injured 250 others, and destroyed hundreds of houses. The Ministry of Disaster Management has also reported some casualties and destruction of infrastructure in the provinces of Kapisa, Maidan Wardak, Nangarhar, Panjshir, and Paktia. Recovery efforts were complicated by the ongoing War in Afghanistan, as in some areas, delivering assistance was not possible due to fighting.

2020 Afghanistan flood

A series of flash floods occurred in Afghanistan in June 2020. They were caused by torrential rain in Charikar, Parwan Province. The flood killed at least 190 people and injured 250 others, and destroyed hundreds of houses. The Ministry of Disaster Management has also reported some casualties and destruction of infrastructure in the provinces of Kapisa, Maidan Wardak, Nangarhar, Panjshir, and Paktia. Recovery efforts were complicated by the ongoing War in Afghanistan, as in some areas, delivering assistance was not possible due to fighting.