2020 Remote Darts League 1

2020 Remote Darts League, shortly RDL, was a darts tournament - the first edition in its history. The tournament was developed by , an organisation dedicated to providing quality remote sporting contests including pictures, data and odds, during the world-wide pandemic of COVID-19. Similar to the Premier League in terms of format, the Remote Darts League sees every player face off against each other with each player gaining points in order to play in finals night. James Richardson became the first winner, defeating Paul Hogan 10–3 in the final.

2020 Remote Darts League 1

2020 Remote Darts League, shortly RDL, was a darts tournament - the first edition in its history. The tournament was developed by , an organisation dedicated to providing quality remote sporting contests including pictures, data and odds, during the world-wide pandemic of COVID-19. Similar to the Premier League in terms of format, the Remote Darts League sees every player face off against each other with each player gaining points in order to play in finals night. James Richardson became the first winner, defeating Paul Hogan 10–3 in the final.