2021 Serbian local elections

Local elections in Serbia were held on 28 March 2021 in Zaječar, Kosjerić and Preševo. The ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) managed to win a majority of seats in the city assemblies of Zaječar and Kosjerić, while the Alternative for Changes led by Shqiprim Arifi won the most amount of seats in Preševo. Some organizations have reported electoral irregularities in Zaječar and Kosjerić, including physical attacks to some journalists and ballot leaders, while in Preševo there were no irregularities reported.

2021 Serbian local elections

Local elections in Serbia were held on 28 March 2021 in Zaječar, Kosjerić and Preševo. The ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) managed to win a majority of seats in the city assemblies of Zaječar and Kosjerić, while the Alternative for Changes led by Shqiprim Arifi won the most amount of seats in Preševo. Some organizations have reported electoral irregularities in Zaječar and Kosjerić, including physical attacks to some journalists and ballot leaders, while in Preševo there were no irregularities reported.