23rd Arizona State Legislature

The 23rd Arizona State Legislature, consisting of the Arizona State Senate and the Arizona House of Representatives, was constituted in Phoenix from January 1, 1957 to December 31, 1958, during the second of two terms of Ernest McFarland's time as Governor of Arizona. The number of senators remained constant at two per county, totaling 28, while the members of the house of representatives increased from decreased from 81 to 80. The balance in the upper house continued at a 26–2 margin in favor of the Democrats, In the House, the Republicans picked up three seats, while Democrats lost four seats, however the Democrats still held a 57–23 edge.

23rd Arizona State Legislature

The 23rd Arizona State Legislature, consisting of the Arizona State Senate and the Arizona House of Representatives, was constituted in Phoenix from January 1, 1957 to December 31, 1958, during the second of two terms of Ernest McFarland's time as Governor of Arizona. The number of senators remained constant at two per county, totaling 28, while the members of the house of representatives increased from decreased from 81 to 80. The balance in the upper house continued at a 26–2 margin in favor of the Democrats, In the House, the Republicans picked up three seats, while Democrats lost four seats, however the Democrats still held a 57–23 edge.