
24h (24h.com) is a photography program established by the French photography magazine Photographie.com and kicked off in October 2010 commissioning photographers to document specific events around the globe. During each event, selected photographers are given 24 hours to express their talent and explore and photograph whatever interests them. Selected shots are disseminated live on the 24h.com website. This experiment in "neo-media" enables a photographer's work to be posted very quickly. Events covered by 24h.com include:


24h (24h.com) is a photography program established by the French photography magazine Photographie.com and kicked off in October 2010 commissioning photographers to document specific events around the globe. During each event, selected photographers are given 24 hours to express their talent and explore and photograph whatever interests them. Selected shots are disseminated live on the 24h.com website. This experiment in "neo-media" enables a photographer's work to be posted very quickly. Events covered by 24h.com include: