
255N is a US Army Military Occupational Specialty code for a Network Management Technician - a Warrant Officer Military Occupational Specialty in the Signal Corps. It was previously known as 250N. Network Management Technicians transport the voice, video and data networks establishing and maintaining the transport layer environment of Army's portion of the Cyberspace domain through network management/enterprise systems management (NM/ESM) functions to include fault management, configuration management, auditing and accountability measures, maintaining performance standards, and implementing security measures at all levels in support of combat information superiority and command and control. They supervise and manage the operation and internetworking of telecommunications networks, network


255N is a US Army Military Occupational Specialty code for a Network Management Technician - a Warrant Officer Military Occupational Specialty in the Signal Corps. It was previously known as 250N. Network Management Technicians transport the voice, video and data networks establishing and maintaining the transport layer environment of Army's portion of the Cyberspace domain through network management/enterprise systems management (NM/ESM) functions to include fault management, configuration management, auditing and accountability measures, maintaining performance standards, and implementing security measures at all levels in support of combat information superiority and command and control. They supervise and manage the operation and internetworking of telecommunications networks, network