3 Dev Adam

3 Dev Adam (translated as Three Mighty Men, sometimes Captain America and Santo vs. Spider-Man; Üç Dev Adam) is a 1973 Turkish cult superhero film, directed by and written by based on the characters created by Steve Ditko, Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Joe Simon and Rodolfo Guzmán Huerta, featuring as Captain America and Yavuz Selekman as Santo called to Istanbul on a special mission to stop the villainous Spider-Man and his criminal gang. The film, which went on nationwide general release across the country on November 1, 1973, was completely unauthorized by the copyright owners of the characters depicted. The film was popular and thus spawned other rip-offs of other major Hollywood productions

3 Dev Adam

3 Dev Adam (translated as Three Mighty Men, sometimes Captain America and Santo vs. Spider-Man; Üç Dev Adam) is a 1973 Turkish cult superhero film, directed by and written by based on the characters created by Steve Ditko, Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Joe Simon and Rodolfo Guzmán Huerta, featuring as Captain America and Yavuz Selekman as Santo called to Istanbul on a special mission to stop the villainous Spider-Man and his criminal gang. The film, which went on nationwide general release across the country on November 1, 1973, was completely unauthorized by the copyright owners of the characters depicted. The film was popular and thus spawned other rip-offs of other major Hollywood productions