4690 Operating System

4690 Operating System, sometimes shortened to 4690 OS or 4690 is a specially designed Point of Sale operating system, originally sold by IBM; however, in 2012 IBM sold its retail business, including this product, to Toshiba, who now supports it. 4690 is widely used by IBM and Toshiba retail customers to drive retail systems running their own applications as well as IBM's (ACE), (SA), (GSA), and (CDSA). In July 1993 IBM adopted FlexOS version 2.32 as the basis of their IBM 4690 OS Version 1. FlexOS 2.32 supported 286 and 386 modes and had no limit on applications running concurrently.

4690 Operating System

4690 Operating System, sometimes shortened to 4690 OS or 4690 is a specially designed Point of Sale operating system, originally sold by IBM; however, in 2012 IBM sold its retail business, including this product, to Toshiba, who now supports it. 4690 is widely used by IBM and Toshiba retail customers to drive retail systems running their own applications as well as IBM's (ACE), (SA), (GSA), and (CDSA). In July 1993 IBM adopted FlexOS version 2.32 as the basis of their IBM 4690 OS Version 1. FlexOS 2.32 supported 286 and 386 modes and had no limit on applications running concurrently.